Management framework
Members of the board
The responsibility for managing and leading PFK is shared between the Managing Director, Chairman and the board of Directors.
PFK’s board members are built up of a diverse range of experience and culture, and work collaboratively to define and guide the company’s vision.
A strong and robust risk management framework
Our systematic and robust approach aims to continuously monitor those risks, our risk management and internal controls systems and evolve our approach accordingly.
Risk management approach
Good risk management is fundamental to our ability to meet our operational and strategic objectives. The competitive market in which we operate requires effective decision making; ensuring that the risks the business takes are adequately assessed and challenged and appropriate returns are achieved. PFK must also retain our overall resilience to risks over which we have limited control through our disaster recovery and business continuity procedures.
Our overall risk management ambition remains – to foster and embed a culture of risk management that is responsive, forward looking, consistent and accountable.
Robust risk assessment
Our systematic risk management approach is designed to identify risks to the business using both a bottom-up and a top-down approach. A risk scoring matrix is used to ensure that a consistent approach is taken when assessing the overall impact to the Company.